Up until covid closed everything down we had an active children's and youth work. Our aim is to get back to that as soon as we can. As part of that commitment we plan to be appointing a Families, Children, and Youth Worker during 2025.
The following are the activities in our church taking place at the moment for children.
Mondays during term-time, 10.00 till 11.30 amA group for pre-school age children, including babies and toddlers, accompanied by their carer/mum/dad/grandparent. With lots of toys and equipment to play with we all have fun, including the children! Tea, coffee, children's drinks and biscuits are provided. Cost, just £1 per child.
The following groups for girls are provided by outside organisers. While technically not part of our church's provision we are happy to support them by providing our premises.
Rainbows For girls aged 5 - 7, Tuesdays 4.00 till 5.00 pm
Brownies For girls aged 7 - 10, Tuesdays 5.15 to 6.45 pm
Guides For girls aged 10 - 14, Thursdays 7.00 until 8.45 pm
For more general information you could look on the national Girlguiding website, link here
Safeguarding At Homelands Church we take our Safeguarding responsibilities seriously. All leaders and helpers in our various groups have been DBS checked and undergo regular update safeguarding training. We have a comprehensive Safeguarding Policy in place and you can check it out by clicking here.