
Other activities

At Homelands there is a wide range of groups and activities for adults, some meeting weekly and some less frequently. Here are the main activities which are all on the church premises unless it says otherwise. Do contact us if you would like more information about any of them. It would be great if you could come and join us.

Prayer Meetings
We believe that prayer is the engine-room of the church and you would be very welcome to come and join with us for prayer in any of the following.

Sunday Prayer, 10.15 to 10.45 am in the church lounge, where in particular we pray for the service of worship following at 11.00 am

Prayer Breakfast, on the second Tuesday of each month, which starts at 9.00 am with a light breakfast and follows with prayer. These prayer times will vary in style and format from month to month.

Be Still
A time of reflective worship, centring around prayer, at the church at 6.00 pm on the third Sunday in the month.

Thursday Prayer
Our Thursday prayer meetings, known as the 'boiler room' takes place on the 4th Thursday of each month. The time for this varies between summer/winter so check the church diary, on the Welcome Page, for the time this month.

Hobby Pop-in
On Tuesday afternoons at the church from 1.30 pm, but in the lounge. Meet new friends while you enjoy your own hobby with others, or if you don't have a hobby you will soon be introduced to something new.

Line Dancing
On Tuesday afternoons from 1.30 pm in the hall. Come and meet new friends, get some exercise, and have plenty of fun too.

Friendship Friday
Come and spend some time over a cup of tea and coffee and meet some new friends. We will be open every Friday from 10.00 am till 12 noon.
During the winter months we are providing a Friday lunchtime 'Soup and Roll' for anyone who wants to stay on after Friendship Friday, except for those weeks when there is a 'Community Lunch which takes its place. Check the church diary to see if Soup and Roll is happening this week.

Community Lunch
Once a month we have a community lunch where we enjoy a meal cooked for us. To help us how many people to cook for you need to book for this. The easiest way to book is to come along to a Friendship Friday where you will find the sign-up sheet for the next community meal.

House Groups
There are a number of house groups that take place. This is a chance to get to know well a smaller number of people in the comfort of a home. The house groups vary in style, but will usually involve looking at and discussing a Bible passage together. The day, time and place for each of these meetings varies, so if you would like to join one of our house groups do mention it to Sarah or the duty deacon after the Sunday Service, or contact Sarah via the Contact Page.