

Sunday Worship - Our regular weekly service of worship is on Sunday mornings starting at 11.00 am.

If you are new to our church and would like to know more about Sunday mornings then click on the link at the side labelled 'Help, I'm New'.

Your children are very welcome to come along with you. At present we do not have a dedicated children's group on Sunday mornings, but it is our ambition to have one up and running as soon as possible. In the meantime, at the back of the church there are a selection of toys, books and art/craft materials for your children to use during the service if they wish. Do not worry if your child becomes restless during the service, or if your baby cries. That's what children do and we really do understand.

Before each Sunday morning service there is a time of prayer in the church lounge from 10.15 to 10.45 am. You are welcome to join us for all, or just part of this.

On occasional Sunday evenings at 6 pm there are additional meetings, such as:

Be Still - a time of reflective worship.

Teaching from Keswick - a time to watch inspirational video talks recorded at the Keswick Convention.

Just check out our church diary on the Welcome Page to see what is coming up on Sunday evenings in the near future.